Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How Long Stomach Go Back To Normal Size

After long time again ...

a small intermediate level as it is around the basin.

The last post is already four months ago. One would think that the basin has flourished in this time and everything grows and thrives. But unfortunately it is not so.
After follow all of the corals and fish from the old 54l tank, looked first from ALLL quite well. But soon the algae have begun to spriesen. At first it was green algae. They were and are still critical after fall of the nutrients in the water also went back nice again.

But then suddenly overspread a brown, ugly Film the bottom. I thought that this film will disappear by itself again. But he did still not complete.

have some point I will no longer took such drum. Did the aquarium simply paid too little attention. Getting a bit nervous at the end I was then in early October once pulled on the belt and I am actively addressed the problem.

presented after several investigations found that it is the brown pad to dinoflagellates.

Now I have time the backlight stays on as follows:
blue light -> from 12h to 11h daily
HQI -> from 9 am to 5 hours daily

You could then have from day to day to see how the Coating was less and less.
Now he is almost gone, unfortunately, not yet completely.

To be sure, that's me the dinosaurs go, I will now make another treatment with the agent phycoEx Michael Mrutzek. According to various reports, this means very good help from dinoflagellates, without compromising the aquarium stocking.

The drug is ordered, but unfortunately not yet arrived. I will keep you informed!