Friday, May 9, 2008

Gas Stations With Condoms In Bathrooms

Senegal Bichirs

For several years, I also think a Bichirs Senegal, which I affectionately call my little dragon. Why? Because he really looks the part.

supposedly they are very aggressive, so I could see but not yet, at least in my very peaceful, I do not know if I caught the exception to the rule I;)

Here are some key dates for this beautiful fish: There are currently 10

subspecies. Distribution: West and Central Africa, east to Lake Tanganyika.
size: Senegal rarely exceeds 20-25cm, there are also species which will be for up to 1m.
pool: at least 240 liters, with many hiding places, where animals are eingwöhnt well they come out often during the day.
Food: omnivore, my Senegal eat everything from flakes to pellets, frozen food and live food, but prefer live food or frozen food accepted.
Bichirs look very bad, they find their food to the sense of smell.


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